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Alexa, please turn on the lights!

Why sanitize tons of switchboards every day when you can just use your mobile phone or an AI speaker device like Alexa to control your surroundings?
All you need is an active Wi-Fi connection – and you can convert your office into a smart, safe, automated space!

Let’s clear up some foggy areas of automation
“It can’t be retrofitted” – it can!
“It’s expensive” – when mobile phones were launched, one minute was Rs. 18. Today, what is the cost? Same with automation!
“I don’t need it – I have a peon!” – you do need it! It’s contactless!

These are the items that can be automated with retrofit switch plates:
– Lights
– Fans
– Air Conditioning
– Blinds (Possibility of motorization depends on the channel)
– Doors (Channels and locks need to be changed)

If your blinds and doors are not wired for an electric connection, don’t worry. We have some ideas to go contact-free on that too – in the next blog!

How does retrofit automation work?
It’s pretty easy – all you have to do is replace your switchboards with smart switch panels! These switch panels can then be connected to an app on your phone or an AI speaker device.
No deconstruction, no changing your electric wiring – just update your switch boards!
There is no limitation to the number of commands you can set up for automation – If your peon opens the office, you can just tell them the command and they can request the same to Alexa, or if possible, have the app configured on their smart phone.
As I already mentioned, all you need is an active Wi-Fi connection.

Manage meeting settings in a second!
You want to do a PPT presentation? Have spotlights on the conference table to read through drawings or papers? No problem! The mobile phone app also allows you to set “scenes” where you can specify exactly what you want – all lights on/off, specific areas lit up or dimmed, blinds up/down, specific temperature – you name it!
With this set up you can have your space ready by just a tap on your phone or a quick request to Alexa.
For example, you enter your office or conference room and say “Hello!” and all the lights you want – turn on!

How to moderate control across that many people? Do you fight over who has that special relationship with Alexa?
Well, the automation app on your mobile phone comes with a feature where access must be granted to other users. A master user is assigned at the very beginning – and only that person can allow access of controls to other users. Something like the admin for a WhatsApp group!
As for the AI speaker device – all the controls of the app must be configured on the AI as specific requests. So, unless you’re making the right request verbatim – Alexa won’t respond.
You don’t have to worry about everyone playing with the automation system – they can’t!

Ever since the threat of COVID-19 closed our offices, every touchable surface has become a threat and automation is no longer a luxury, but a solution in a world that is trying to reduce contact wherever and however possible. It is time to upgrade your workplaces to be safer and smarter!

Tulika from TruBlu Solutions, an expert in retrofitted automation has helped us – reach out to her or let us know if we can help!