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Present and Past

EDC Space has team members who are stakeholders – we believe in the same things,
and we help each other to grow. For us, it’s not a job. It’s a life.



Alka is the guardian spirit of the team. A spiritual traveler, she is passionate about sustainability, responsible use of resources and art forms, and does some amazing Zentangles. Having studied Architecture at VNIT, Nagpur, Alka went on to do her Masters in Housing, from the School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi.

She began her career with Delhi Urban Arts Commission on Delhi Master Plan 2001 and then worked with Prem Chaudhary & Associates and Kuldip Singh & Associates on projects with DLF and Escorts.

A regular speaker and panel discussion participant you can see her on Design Circle – and online on the property show by MagicBricks (a Times Internet Company) on YouTube. Her experience with, and understanding of material, light and form, has resulted in some pathbreaking design work.

Alka is Director Consultant with BNI Gurgaon, working tirelessly to retain members. Her naturally empathetic nature with a razor-sharp intellect has made her a magnet for entrepreneurs requiring help.

She believes that a sustainable experience is seldom about a first “wow” and so there doesn’t have to be a single “big idea” approach. She loves the fact that designing a space offers an opportunity to build in layers that unfold differently for different people.



A wildlifer since age 12, Heena has worked on many wildlife and environmental conservation projects, and has travelled, photographed and lived in the upper reaches of Ladakh and Kashmir Himalayas. She studied at the National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad, and discovered a passion for motorcycles, design and Gujarati food! Heena has been interviewed by the BBC, lauded by the Economic Times and has had her work written about by several design magazines. She was awarded the Priyadarshini Award for the Best Woman Entrepreneur for 2012. Heena is also actively involved in addressing the gender gap in entrepreneurship. Her book, 1000 stories of Change, co-authored with Shalini Sharma, was launched in Poland in November 2019, and is available on Amazon. She is Senior Director Consultant with BNI Gurgaon, supporting, guiding and mentoring members and chapters to be the best they can be. A trained facilitator, she conducts workshops for young (and old) professionals in the area of design and soft skills. Her Credo is – You create your future with the power of your intention.



An innovative and creative thinker, Aashna has, at a very young age, achieved what she calls her dream – a partnership in a design firm! Her commitment and dedication truly set her apart – she is passionate about animal welfare and believes that the troubles of humanity are hers to solve.

Aashna is Vegan, an enthusiastic gymmer and a proud member of BNI Gurgaon. She is serving on the Leadership team at present and loving every minute of it. Charu Jain, in her book  “My share of the Sky” recognized Aashna as a woman achiever who will leave her mark on the earth!

She did her undergrad in Interior Architecture and Design from Pearl Academy and went on to do her Masters in Furniture Design from Florence Institute of Design International, Florence, Italy.

Aashna believes, ‘asks questions – and keeps learning.’ For her, it is important to develop herself and to empower others.


Senior Architect and Team

She is the Adventurer. Neetu is open to taking on challenges and, empathetic and trustworthy – she lends a hand to anyone who needs it.


Senior Interior Designer & Team Leader

She is the conscience of the group. A foodie at heart, Kritika is a secret chef! She plans every event at office, while calmly handling multiple projects and never gets fazed!


Site Master

Genuine, and a man of few words, Piyush can tackle any situation with a calm conversation and a quick solution. He gets things done! He also looks after 17 dogs and has found a home for one waif with Heena.


Interior Stylist

Our flower child, this quiet young lady is our inhouse IT engineer and a writer!



Earnest and ready to take anything on, Aditi wants to be the best she can! She makes friends with everyone.


Community Wizard

and the Boombox. Kriti is a specialist in Experimental Media Arts and also helps creating our social media presence.


Interior Designer

is our Silent Soldier. Ashish likes his peace and when he does speak – he gives us a lot to think about!

It would not have been possible without these people – their commitment and love kept the dream alive

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Our Values describe who we are. Our actions and decisions demonstrate these Values and create long term benefits for clients, team members, vendors, contractors, competitors and the communities we serve.